
MWF Sizzle Reel

I was asked to help come up with visual ideas and a narrative for a sizzle reel that was meant to highlight the new Microsoft Web Framework. The concept was simple, the system was based on the "atomic design."

When talking about atomic design, atoms form molecules, molecules form organisms, organisms form templates and templates form pages. So I wanted to capture the essence of that premise, and bring it into the 3D world.

The team had just started to work on branding the product, so all we had to go with was a color gradient and the core values that we wanted to communicate: flexibility, responsiveness, scalability and usability. As for the concept, Moray is an ancient archaeological site near Maras, Peru that dates back to the Inca Empire (c. 1438–1533 CE).Located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Moray is known throughout Peru as a highly innovative center for agricultural research and engineering.


Then, I developed the concept for the narrative. The idea was to have real world art and design tools transform into a metaphorical version of atoms, that then begin to fuse and morph into more complex elements until the entire environment becomes this abstract world where MWF elements begin to form.

First draft


Rough motion tests

Thank you!